Hutong School November Wrap Up

Winter in ChinaThe end of November is getting close and winter is on its way. The central government turned on the heating (finally), everyone is putting on more and more layers of clothing (thermal underwear, hmm), foreigners are preparing their Christmas parties (we’ll be throwing a great one for our students!),… we are ready for a warm and cozy Beijing winter!

So what have we been up to during the last month? We have been very busy to say the least! Continue reading for a brief overview of all that happened at the Hutong School this November.

Winter Promotion

On November 1st we launched a special winter promotion and it’s still going strong! We are still offering special discounts for all bookings made before December 15th 2010 (hurry up!).

Social Networking Sites in China

We blogged about Chinese alternatives to popular Western social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter. We encouraged our students to actively use these websites to connect to their Chinese friends and practice their Chinese in the meanwhile.

Goodbye Yindra, Hello Laura

We had to say goodbye to our beloved college Yindra Sierra Ferrer, our former Chief Account Manager. She left Beijing for Dubai and thus left us with the gruesome task of finding a replacement for her. We interviewed many candidates and after long deliberations we decided to welcome Laura Corazzi on our team! She will join our multilingual team of HR specialists dedicated to offering our students the best internship opportunities in Beijing!

Hutong School Business Center branch

Hutong SchoolThis month we were proud to announce that the Hutong School will open a second branch in Beijing! Our students
will be able to study

Chinese in either our existing beautiful courtyard in central Beijing or in our soon to be opened second school in Sanlitun, close to the Central Business District.

In the meantime we were also very happy to welcome 11 new students this month. We wish them a great stay at the Hutong School!

Stay tuned for more exiting new developments at the Hutong School!

Same great quality, bigger scale.

Hutong School is now operating as That’s Mandarin. Now you can expect the same great Chinese lessons with access to online Chinese learning platform NihaoCafe.