If you've spent any amount of time in China, you've undoubtedly met some (if not all) of these colorful characters. Let us know your favorites!
You've mastered talking about liking, commenting and subscribing, now onto the advanced stuff: sharing, memes, stickers and spamming!
Social media has been a real game-changer, especially in China. Take a look at 5 Mandarin terms you NEED to know to navigate social media in China.
If you've been to China, you know how much Chinese people love KTV. Impress your friends with our top five Chinese songs to sing at KTV in China!
Ever find yourself getting tripped up by the many similar-sounding words in Chinese? Check out part 2 of our 10 funny, sassy and useful homophones!
Ever find yourself getting tripped up by the many similar-sounding words in Chinese? Check out our picks for 10 funny, sassy and useful homophones!